Saturday, March 6, 2010

Clean, Sharp and Consise: Google's multimedia take

Recently, I tried out Google buzz and actually listed a few key features of the new application. However, what really struck me when trying to discover more about the new application is how well Google actually explained it via website and a video. Gone are the days of scrambling through a thick black and white manual trying to figure a new gadget out, nowadays multimedia tools have given a new dimension to company advertising as well as gadget 'manual' explaining.

I'll be analysing the google buzz site and its video. Firstly, you would notice that the site is clean, sharp and concise. The overview of the application is stated clearly in big font, and listed systematically is the features one can expect while using it. It gets straight to the point so as to not confuse its readers. This is a good strategy as web browsers normally - browse. In this day when million of webpages is a click away, people scan through webpages very quickly, and having a concise approach garuntees that the readers get the point without much confusion. Google manages to do this while keeping the page looking colourful and friendly, so although it lacks cutting-edge multimedia, it more than makes up for it in its cheerful and bright interface.

Looking at the video, I noticed that it connects very well with its intended audience. It describes everyday situations that are very relevant to us, the age-group targeted by google to be the bulk of its usership. They have found an amazing way to discard alot of flashy "fluff" concerned with multimedia, and utilise multimedia in a very useful and convenient way. It also shows plenty of clips from the actual usage of the application, so interested users know exactly what to expect and exactly how they can benefit from it. A very powerful application combined with very powerful multimedia presentation would equate to Google's goal: a very powerful unresistable appeal to download and catch the Buzz.

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